Title: Cute Kitchen Companion: Silicone Oven Mitts (Muffin shape) Set Description: Cooking just got easier and joyful with our heat-resistant Silicone Oven Mitts in the shape of Muffin. Crafted for handling hot pots and pans, their non-slip design ensures a secure grip, while their easy-to-clean feature makes post-cooking cleanup a breeze. Made from durable silicone, these mitts are scratch-resistant, ensuring long-lasting performance in your kitchen. Whether you're baking, grilling, or enjoying outdoor activities, these versatile gloves provide excellent heat protection. Specifications: Material: Premium Silicone Size: Approx. 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm x 9 cm (each) Package Includes: 1 pair of Cute Muffin Silicone Oven Mitts Gloves Color: Purple Features: Heat-resistant and Easy to Clean: Perfect for handling hot cookware, these mitts are a kitchen essential. Plus, they're super easy to clean after use. Wide Applications and Convenient: Not just for baking and cooking, these gloves are ideal for grilling, BBQs, and outdoor activities, providing excellent heat protection. Scratch Resistant and Durable: Made from premium silicone, these mitts are scratch-resistant and built to last. Non-Slip Surface: The non-slip design ensures a secure grip on hot pots and pans, offering peace of mind while cooking. Mini Oven Glove Included: Our set also includes a Mini Oven Glove, perfect for smaller kitchen tasks like removing hot trays from the oven or microwave. With their practical & cute design with wide range of applications, these Silicone Oven Mitts are a must-have for any kitchen. Add them as your cooking partner today!